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Cropshare Guidelines
For Selections and Pickup

Welcome to the Little Wings Farm Crop Share 2025. We are excited that you have joined our farm.  We look forward to sharing the produce we love to eat and grow with you and your family! Below, you will find guidelines to our Crop Share.  As always if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us via phone, text or email!  Read on...



Each week you will receive an email from the farm with link to the "Cropshare Member" page on this website.  The page will have links to the selections forms (Classic and Super).  The form will allow you to make your crop selections for your box that week. If you do not fill out the selection form by the deadline do not worry.  We will make choices for you and you will receive your full share. The deadline to submit your choices is 10 AM on Sunday for Wednesday delivery. The selection form is also available by just coming to this website. 


After filling out your Selection Form you will have the option of adding on more items from our farm through our online store at an additional charge.  This can be paid for by debit/credit card (no processing fee) or from accrued vacation credit. These items will be included in the box with the rest of your cropshare selections. 

For hot tips using the Selection Form see bottom of page.



 Look for your label name: The most important thing to remember is that your tote is unique to you and has your label name on it. Before you take food out of a tote double check to be absolutely sure that you are not taking someone else's food. Pass this message on to anyone you have picking food up for you! They are the most likely culprits to miss this important precaution.   You will be charged a fee for replacing the food that is missing and for delivery to the disappointed member.

You will need to bring a container/bag to transfer your food into. Please leave the tote completely empty so that we can keep the host site clean. 

The hours for pick up are 3-7pm. Please respect the privacy of our site hosts by coming during those hours. We will send you an invitation to Remind so that you can receive a reminder on your phone or computer on the day of delivery. The same system is used for last minute updates if our delivery has been delayed for any reason.  We recommend that you also put a reminder or alarm on your phone and if you share the pick be sure you know who is going to do the pick up. NOTE: If you do not pick up your share you will not receive any credit or replacement.

Each site will have directions for parking and other site specific directions. Please know and follow these directions.  When parking at dropsite, do not leave your vehicle idling. 


1. Use one OFFICIAL email address when filling out form. You are identified by the email address so when someone else is filling out for you, make sure they also use this same email.
2. You can fill the form out more than once if you need to make changes. We will reference the last form that was filled out.

3. Click Submit at bottom of form and see the page say "Success!"
4. Getting an email receipt is recommended. It confirms your order and allows you to review your selections.
5. Note: If you are on vacation, you will still receive selection emails and reminder texts.  Just ignore them. 

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